Carbon Accounting
Given the complexity of calculating carbon emissions and that this is a highly custom process based on each client, we use a proven methodology to ensure accuracy in results:
1. Work with client to collect contact information on all suppliers in their product supply chain from materials to manufacturing to fulfilment
2. Reach out to each supplier to train them on emissions calculations and provide them with supporting information to identify the sources of their emissions. Calculate each supplier’s individual emissions.
3. Calculate the percentage of carbon emissions attributable to the product for each supplier based on the production run and the supplier’s total annual output.
4. Identify transportation routes and calculate associated emissions from transport throughout the product lifecycle. Add this to the previously calculated attributable emissions from each supplier to reach a final product carbon footprint value.
We calculate companies’ own carbon emissions and provide them the tools and education to collect the relevant information needed for this. We also calculate the carbon emissions attributable to individual products using our own proprietary worksheets, methodology and industry specific emissions factor research.