Our Values Matter.


Our values are an extension of the moral code of our team members and the vision we have for the sustainability industry.

We believe in being transparent.
Transparency goes a step beyond honesty, it’s being honest and open about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. This is not about being perfect, but about being transparent regarding imperfections. If we can’t be open about where we need to improve we will never reach our goals. We apply this to ourselves as individuals as well as to our clients whom we advise in their programs. We believe in transparency opens up communication between stakeholders and fosters an environment in which innovation can thrive.

We believe in the importance of education.
Education is not just about the formal education we received as children or in college, education is about how we communicate with those who are less informed in certain topics than us. Education is everything new we can learn and share with the world. We believe that to achieve the highest levels of environmental sustainability in the world we need to create awareness and communicate the importance of sustainability to our clients and their customers. We also recognize that education is not a one-way street, but instead an opportunity for us to stay open-minded and learn about new concepts ourselves. We attend conferences, webinars and talks by other professionals, academics and other companies to learn about the latest trends, research and processes or materials.

We believe in working under the highest levels of integrity.
Integrity is about having strong moral principles and being honest. We believe in making a difference in the world without cutting corners. We create change step by step knowing that slow and steady wins the race. We endeavor to always maintain our clients in high regard, respecting their confidentiality and acting openly and honestly with them. Collaboration with other parties is the key to dealing with global sustainability challenges like climate change, so we aim to always work together with other industry experts and partners, sharing our expertise and know-how.